Mug Rug

Mug Rug

Make a mug rug or two as a gift or even to brighten up your living room. This pattern has two options for finishing. You can either “bag it out” or try your hand at “Bias Binding”.

Coffee Cosy

Coffee Cosy

This coffee cosy is a great gift for mum or dad. You can choose fabric that suits their interests to personalise.

Zipper Pencil Case

Zipper Pencil Case

Wow your friends with this perfect pencil case to keep you organised. Easily transform this to match your individual style by making it longer by simply buying longer zips and choosing your favourite colours.

Friendly Neighbourhood PJ Pants

Friendly Neighbourhood PJ Pants

The friendly neighbourhood PJ pants are super fun and easy to make. A little math goes a long way, your whole family could have new cozy pyjama pants for winter.

Cupcake Birthday Card

Cupcake Birthday Card

You can also use your sewing machine to sew designs on to card to create your own personalised card designs. It is super easy and lots of fun!

Candy Heart Cushions

Candy Heart Cushions

Sew up some candy heart cushions for Valentine’s Day. This cushion is super easy to make, you will find it hard to stop at one!

Bookish Bag

Bookish Bag

Create this fun and stylish book bag. This pattern is segmented down into easy steps making it a perfect beginner project

Car Organiser Tote

Car Organiser Tote

Create a car organiser with a clear pocket and an adjustable strap. It is perfect to keep your essentials in.

Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star

Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star

These stars can be sewn in 10 minutes! A perfect way to introduce sewing to a small child, or to simply add some decorations around the house, tree or you could jazz up your gifts.

Orange is the New Bag Tag

Orange is the New Bag Tag

Does your bag blend in with everyone elses? Stamp your mark with these cool bag tags Level:Beginner Skills Learnt:Straight Stitch, […]

What the Fox Cushion  Cover

What the Fox Cushion Cover

You can easily add your own style to your bedroom with a new cushion cover! Superheroes, Cupcakes, or Stripes – your fabric choice is all that limits you.

The Marble Maze

The Marble Maze

The Marble Maze is a great activity to have on car trips. Why not insert more than one marble, or get creative with your maze designs and have dead ends to navigate

Santa Cutlery Holder

Santa Cutlery Holder

Santa Cutlery Holders are a fantastic way to dress up your table for the festive season. They are super easy and can be finished in an hour.

Christmas Stockings

Christmas Stockings

This cute little Christmas Stocking is a festive way to dress up small gifts this Christmas. This pattern is very versatile, if you want a larger stocking simply draw up a bigger stocking template.

Santa Table Runner

Santa Table Runner

Won’t the kids love sitting around Santa’s belt for Christmas? This easy to sew quilted table runner is the perfect […]

Stitched Greetings Card

Stitched Greetings Card

Make sending greetings a special experience for everyone with this cute card. Family and friends will appreciate your personal touch.

Hessian Fascinator

Hessian Fascinator

This easy to sew fascinator will set you in the mood for Spring Racing. Add some pearls, feathers or other items to give your fascinator your own Spring Racing appeal. Why not try dressing them on a hat instead of a headband?

The Rainbow Cape

The Rainbow Cape

This colourful rainbow cape was made with ease in an afternoon. It can easily be made longer for a taller child. You could try adding some applique for some extra pizazz.

Drawstring Backpack with Pocket

Drawstring Backpack with Pocket

This is a super easy project that is great for beginner sewers. This Drawstring Backpack will make an ideal day pack for busy mums, kids and those on the run!

Retro Rescue Apron

Retro Rescue Apron

Rescue this pattern and put your own personal spin on it. Use a variety of techniques such as applique or Embroidery. Optional Embroidery instructions are included to create monograms with the HyperFont software.

Retro Rescue Caddy

Retro Rescue Caddy

Give new life to this Cosmetic Bag pattern! Personalize it with some unique lettering, your favorite fabrics and appliques. This pattern includes optional instructions for embroidering lettering on to this project.

Bat Wings

Bat Wings

A great inspiration for Book Week this year is one of my favourite Australian books (and movie!) from my childhood, ‘Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest’, by Diana Young. A young fairy teams up with a human and a crazy bat to save the Australian Rainforest from destruction.